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Photography Tip by Myrtle Beach Photography: Do you need a filter?

If you only buy one filter…
…make it a polarizing filter.  This filter will protect your lens in addition to giving you a nice contrast to your images.   This is the perfect beginner’s filter, and one that will have the best effect on your day to day photography. A polarizing lens will  give your  skies a vibrant blue tone, your green grass more contrast and give all your  images a greater texture.


Santa Photos








Santa Photos

As a mom myself, I can tell you there is nothing more exciting than taking your children to see Santa.  This experience gets built up in a parents head and the expectations are generally better than the actual experience.  Here are some tips to help make meeting Santa a bit more pleasant.


Prepare Your Child

  • Make sure your child is well rested.
  • Make sure your child is well fed.  Bring snacks.
  • Talk about Santa “A LOT” before he/she meets Santa.
  • Go to the place where Santa is going to be and let your child watch other children with Santa several days prior to the big event.

Photo Tips

  • Set that camera to manual mode.  Play around with you settings so you don’t get that yellow tint to your images that can come with setting to portrait mode..
    Portrait mode creates a shallow depth of field.
  • Use Action Mode
    Action mode uses a faster shutter speed and continually adjusts focus as your subjects move. This will increase your chances of a sharply focused photograph.
  • Turn on that Flash

Even if you are in a bright place, your camera may want to auto detect lighting and your flash will not fire.  A well lit Santa is a must.

  • Play Around with the Zoom
    You will have some time so slow down and take images close up and zoomed out.  Remember, the number one rule, lots of images.  You can delete later.  Expression is Everything Your child’s expression is the most important piece of a photo with Santa.


  • Don’t Wait Until Your Child is in Santa’s Lap
    Some of the greatest Santa photos you will ever take will happen before the child is actually in Santa’s lap. This is when a lot of real emotion, not posed for the camera, takes place. Some children will bashfully approach Santa and others will literally leap up to hug Santa. Be ready!

Who Wants to be a Photographer?


As many of you know, I own a photography studio, Myrtle Beach Photography, but I am not a professional photographer.  I post tips that I have learned from owning a studio and  seeking answers from my staff of brilliant professional photographers.  I know there are many photography tips out there from professional photographers that are much more technical but I am trying to take this information and translate it for us “want to be photographers”.

I really would like to know how many of you want to be photographer?

For those of you who want to become professional photographers, what are some things that you would like to know?

It has been my experience, while working with many professional photographers, that they know how to take beautiful images but the business side is baffling to them.  I guess I would really like to know if posting about the business side of running a photography studio would be of interest to you.

I will await your responses.

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Holiday Photography Tips

# 1 Play Around When Composing Your Photograph
Whether you are photographing holiday images or family and friends, try different compositions. Pay special attention to how you organize elements in each photo.Concepts when composing a shot:

  1. Off-center your main subject. Instead of placing the subject in the middle of the image try moving until the subject is off  center.  For example, if you are photographing your Christmas tree, try placing it on the right or left to make the shot more interesting.
  2. Close Up Is Good. Especially when you center your subject but even when you off-center it, moving in close is the one thing that will make the biggest difference in the success of your picture-taking. The simple fact is the audiences are always more impressed when the subject is huge and impossible to miss. Therefore, you want the subject to fill the frame.


# 2 Family and Group Portraits
The main thing that professional photographers do that most don’t is take tons of images.  That is the trick. Take a large number of photos. Since there is always someone blinking or looking off to the side or facing another member of the group, having a large number of photos will give you the best chances of catching everyone looking their best.There is often a great deal of pressure when photographing groups so keep the experience as fun and friendly as possible, so they remember it in a positive light.


# 3 Taking the Perfect Candid Shot
Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot and delete later.  If a child opening a gift – or playing with a gift for the first time – you know that, within a split second, the scene can change. There is often just a few brief moments when that “magic shot” appears.Be ready to go at a moment’s notice and keep that shutter clicking.

Be assertive with your picture-taking. Be ready to press that shutter button at a moment’s notice.

Either way, shoot quickly and shoot often. Don’t be shy – getting a great photo of the right moment is rewarding and well worth the extra effort.


# 4 Don’t Always Use Flash IndoorsThe flash can be a real lifesaver, no doubt about it. This burst of artificial light can mean the difference between a decent photo and a totally blurry, unusable image.

If you are shooting indoors at night, try to flood the room where you are photographing with as much light as you can – turn on whatever lamps you have at hand. This will help reduce those harsh, flashed-out subjects, as well as other problems like red-eye.

However, the light from flash units – especially from the tiny on-camera flash units found on most every camera – tend to produce harsh, flat, and cold light. This is rarely a complimentary way to illuminate your subject. Try using your hand to block some of that harsh lighting.

If you are shooting indoors during the day, make your portraits with your subjects standing near a window or door instead of relying on the flash. Get between your subject and the window – in other words, don’t include the window in your composition, as this will throw off your exposure meter.


# 5 If You Use Flash Outdoors
Most people think that using flash is synonymous with photographing indoors at night – at a Christmas party for example.However, flash need not be relegated to indoor, night photography. Flash can be a big help when it comes to shooting outdoors during the day. Even in bright sunlight, forcing your flash to fire can often mean the difference between a so-so snapshot and an eye-grabbing masterpiece.

The reason is that this kind of bright day flash will fill in the shadows and even out harsh contrasts.

Try it out… next time you are photographing friends or children outdoors, turn your flash on and see if it works.



# 6 Get Creative With Those Christmas Lights

Tired of the same old Christmas tree photos? If you want to try something new, set your camera to a slower shutter speed.  Meaning, make the shutter open and close more slowly. Maybe try setting your camera on a stationary object like a table to steady it.  When you hear the shutter open, move the camera to cause a blur of the lights.  The idea here is to intentionally blur the colorful Christmas lights.


# 7 Give the Gift of a Photograph
Whether you are a last minute shopper or not, we have the perfect gift idea for you: a family photo.Parents and grandparents in particular love photos of the family and children as a holiday present.



# 8 Be Prepared: Charge Batteries and Clear Cards
The last thing you want to have happen is to get all set up for the family portrait or holiday photo to realize you forgot to charge the battery!In addition to making sure your batteries are charged (or you have replacements on hand), you will also want to make sure you have a place for your potential images to be recorded.

Clear your memory card to free up space.



St. James High School Pageant….Wonderful evening…

Myrtle Beach Photography had a wonderful time photographing the St. James High School Pageant.  Pop over and take a look at the beautiful evening…..

Link to Images:

beauty pageant,











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