Beach photography
Myrtle Beach Family Photography
Myrtle Beach Family Photography
When it comes to Myrtle Beach family photography, there is no comparison. In fact, Myrtle Beach photography has been in the area since 1995. Our professional photographers have the experience, and personality that every family needs. Trust the real pros, not the amateur picture takers looking to make side cash. We do this for a living, and it shows. In addition, your family is very important to us. Likewise we want your family to select our company on your next Myrtle Beach family vacation.
Family Photography Myrtle Beach SC
Locations throughout Horry county for Family photography Myrtle Beach SC include, but not limited to. North Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach, Garden City Beach, Sunset Beach, and of course Ocean Isle Beach are some locations we serve. We specialize in one thing here, and that’s photography. Above all your portraits from summer vacation will be with you forever. At the same time you’re hanging pictures on the wall, we will store them on our servers. Whatever your photography needs, we have you covered.
North Myrtle Beach Family Photography
Don’t forget that we also serve North Myrtle Beach family photography in all of Horry County SC. Our photo packages are now all inclusive. There’s nothing more to worry about on your photography package. We provide the copyrights, the digital downloads, and we own the server. We have your photos safe for years to come in case you lose your copies. Likewise, if you need copies of your photographs, just email, text, or call us. To summarize, we are your one stop photo shop, and we always have been. To clarify, why would you go anywhere else? Our seasoned and talented professional photographers are guaranteed to do an awesome job for you.
The top photographers in Myrtle Beach
Our award winning team of photographers in Myrtle Beach are ready to give you the best experience , and to earn your business for years to come. We have some of the largest percentages of repeat customers in the area. It’s our goal to not only earn your business today, but for years to come. Let us treat you to red carpet service without paying the egotistical high prices. Affordable luxury photography without the rate hike.
How to choose a photographer in Myrtle Beach
The first step to choosing a great photographer is to look how long they have been in business. Look at the amount of reviews on Google, and not so much facebook, or Instagram. Call or text them, and see who answers the phone, or responds the quickest. The amateurs doing this as a side hustle, or extra cash have a “day job”. The photographers that do this for a living will answer the phone during business hours. anyone telling you they will call back after 5 is not a full time professional. Facebook has the most beginners, and amateurs posing as pros. They get their family, and friends to give them great reviews, and we see the work they produce. We hear horror stories all the time about how that moment will always be lost. Would’ve, could’ve, should’ve is the constant regret from not researching your photographer. Trust the company that has been doing this for over 32 years.
Family photos in Myrtle Beach
Family photos in Myrtle Beach are always an honor to photograph. Here is the beautiful Haupfear Family during their visit to Myrtle Beach SC. We hope you enjoyed your time with us as much as we enjoyed meeting your family. Please call us at 843-236-5403 if you are visiting the beach and would like a family portrait.
Please Like & Share our page with friends and family to get upcoming specials.
Family photo Memories of your Myrtle Beach vacation
It is very important to have memories of your Myrtle Beach vacation. Please take the time to book your portrait session. As a matter of fact, why not book with the oldest professional fully staffed photography studio in Myrtle Beach? With our very affordable photo rates, and now no sitting fees, we take the guesswork about which company to choose.
Book your family beach portrait session with us
Make sure to check out our family photo packages for Myrtle Beach, and North Myrtle Beach, by clicking here. We are always happy to help you. If you are booking in the months of May through September, please call as far in advance as possible. In addition, we also take last minute bookings, but we ask you to please be appreciative, and patient. We are the areas top photography company for the past 35 years. This gives us more experience than any photographer in the area.

The family photo session location
Whether you are on the beach, or a nearby park, our photo company knows all the best locations for pictures. Trust Myrtle Beach Photography to take excellent care of your family. As a photography client, you have options for diverse locations. Furthermore we can suggest something new, or take suggestions from your family. All in all we are here to make your experience last a lifetime.
Cell Phone Camera Tricks
I am going to start this post very irritated. There is a cell phone company that has a commercial that makes erasing unwanted subjects and objects from an image look like magic. In case you have not seen it, a family member is sitting in an audience and watching a graduation ceremony. Someone jumps in front of the graduate and the person taking the picture says no problem, I will just erase it and like magic the person who jumped in front of the graduate is gone. Well first of all that is absurd. If you take one image and someone jumps in front of the subject, that photo is one dimensional so there would not be a graduate behind the person jumping in front. What the cell phone company does not show you is that you have to take several images of the same pose in order for this to work. Firstly, what would be the point if you had other images of that exact pose. If there was only one image of the graduate receiving the diploma and someone jumped in front of that image, there is no way to have an image of the graduate receiving the diploma.
I pay professional graphic artists to remove people from family portraits all summer season. This commercial makes their job seem easy and makes it look like anyone can do this. This is simply not true. It take professionals hours to to this correctly and commercials like this trick the public into thinking it is automatic.
I just want the public to know that these functions are not what they seem. When you see your proofs and there are lots of unwanted objects in your image, Our professional graphic artists are not just clicking a button to remove them. They work very hard and use their professional skills turn your raw image into your perfect family portrait
Now my rant for the day is done.
Here is a video that shows exactly how this works:
Should a professional photography studio sell raw unedited images…..
The big question is (drum roll please) Should a photography studio sell raw unedited images? I read many articles, and this one explained it best…..
Do you think the way we preserving our photo memories is better today than yesterday?
Do you think the way we preserving our photo memories is better today than yesterday?
Remember when we put all of our precious photos in a family album? Our family vacations, our family holidays and birthdays were placed gently in a photo album and displayed. They were passed from generation to generation for families to look at, talk about and tell stories about our relatives. Today, we pull our phones out of our pocket and click silly faces of ourselves to post on social media. We have thumb drives and hard drives full of random pictures we don’t have time to look at much less organize and preserve.
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